Articles Posted in Workers Compensation

Hispanic NurseCDC: Protéjase en el Trabajo

¡Regrese de su trabajo sano, salvo y con dignidad!

Su empleador es responsable de proporcionar un lugar de trabajo seguro y saludable. Hay muchas cosas que pueden afectar su seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Su empleador debe proporcionar capacitación sobre los riesgos en el trabajo y cómo se puede proteger de ellos. Es importante que entienda los riesgos que enfrenta en su trabajo. También es importante que sepa cómo protegerse de esos riesgos. Muchas veces hay cosas sencillas que usted puede hacer para prevenir riesgos en el trabajo o para protegerse de algún riesgo que no se puede prevenir. Otras veces su empleador debe corregir el problema. La información en este sitio web puede ayudarlos a usted, a su empleador y a otras personas en su comunidad para saber más sobre cómo hacer su lugar de trabajo más seguro.

Lea el informe completo en el CDC.

Usted Tien Derechos en el Trabajo

Usted tiene el derecho a:

  • Trabajar en un lugar seguro.
  • Recibir seguridad y capacitación en salud en cualquier idioma que usted entienda.
  • Hacer preguntas si usted no entiende las instrucciones o si algo parece inseguro.
  • Usar y ser entrenado en el equipo de seguridad necesario, como cascos, gafas protectoras y tapones para los oídos.
  • Ejercer sus derechos de seguridad laboral y sin represalias o discriminación.
  • Presentar una queja confidencial con OSHA si cree que existe un peligro grave o que su empleador no está siguiendo las normas de OSHA.

Luchamos por las víctimas de accidentes de trabajo en Georgia… Contáctenos ahora para una consulta gratuita.

Headline Frame Fox News Desk

The Murray Law Firm ha recuperado millones de dólares para las víctimas de lugares de trabajo inseguros en Georgia, y recientemente obtuvo un veredicto de $ 29.25 millones de dólares para uno de nuestros clientes en la Corte Estatal del Condado de Fulton.

Representamos a nuestros clientes en un acuerdo de contingencia, lo que generalmente significa que no hay honorarios o pagos hasta y a menos que recuperemos. Se anima a cualquier persona en busca más información o representación legal en contactarse con nosotros vía e-mail (clic aquí) o por teléfono al 888.842.1616. Las consultas son gratuitas y confidenciales.


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(U.S. Department of Labor)

(U.S. Department of Labor)

Workplace Lung Health Risks and Awareness

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and an opportunity to remind employers that lung health is a critical workplace issue, reaching and devastating the lives of many employees and their families every year.

Department of Labor Secretary Tom Perez warns, “Workers should never have to worry that the air they breathe on the job will slowly destroy their lungs. Yet in too many cases, that risk is still all too real at U.S. workplaces.

Occupational lung disease is slow, debilitating and lethal. A construction worker, stone cutter, foundry worker or coal miner inhales tiny bits of dust that penetrate the lungs and slowly causes them to scar over. It may be decades before health problems develop, from shortness of breath to dependency on oxygen tanks. After a lifetime of hard work, instead of a comfortable retirement, so many workers confront a grim reality: although occupational lung diseases are preventable, they are often incurable.”

Preventing Employee Lung Cancer and Lung Ailments

Occupational lung diseases are preventable and there are many tools and procedures employers can implement to reduce employee risk of lung cancer and respiratory illnesses. Additionally, OSHA and the Department of Labor are working to implement new rules, which would help to protect workers’ lungs:

  • Reduce the amount of dust in air by wetting it down or vacuuming it up.
  • Proper use of respirators can prevent workers from inhaling whatever dust is left in the air.
  • OSHA’s silica proposal
  • OSHA’s beryllium proposal

Employee Rights

You have the right to:

  • Work in a safe place.
  • Receive safety and health training in any language that you understand.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand instructions or if something seems unsafe.
  • Use and be trained on required safety gear, such as hard hats, goggles and ear plugs.
  • Exercise your workplace safety rights without retaliation or discrimination.
  • File a confidential complaint with OSHA if you believe there is a serious hazard or that your employer is not following OSHA standards.

We Fight for Victims of Workplace Injuries in Georgia …Contact us Now for a Free Consultation.

Headline Frame 11Alive DeskThe Murray Law Firm has recovered millions of dollars for victims of unsafe workplaces in Georgia, and recently obtained a $29.25 million dollar verdict for one of our Clients in Fulton County State Court.

We represent our Clients on a contingency agreement, which generally means that no fees or payments are owed until and unless we recover. Anyone seeking further information or legal representation is encouraged to contact us via e-mail (click here) or by telephone at 888.842.1616. Consultations are free and confidential.

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Choosing the Right Attorney

Selecting the right attorney for you or your family is highly important. You must feel confident that the attorney you hire has a complete understanding of the law applicable to your particular case, and has successful experience in handling such cases.

Important: Do not hire a lawyer who has violated the Rules of Professional Conduct!!!

You should not hire an attorney who calls you or visits you unsolicited, or anyone that contacts you directly to offer legal services. This activity is strictly prohibited by Rule 7.3 of the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which states as follows:



If an attorney, or someone acting on behalf of an attorney, contacts you in this manner, that attorney is in violation of this Rule. This unethical and unprofessional activity on the part of the lawyer is good sign that you should stay away. It is imperative that you are represented by an attorney who is capable of advocating for you within the confines of the law, and an attorney who fails to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct is probably not the best fit. In fact, any such attorney should be immediately reported to the local State Bar Association. If you have been contacted in such an unsolicited manner, contact us and we’ll assist you in filing a report.
SAC EM Update

Contingency Fees Disclaimer: “Contingent attorneys’ fees refers only to those fees charged by attorneys for their legal services. Such fees are not permitted in all types of cases. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal action usually must be paid by the client.



OSHA has launched a regional program, which focuses on reducing illness and injury at southeastern chicken processing facilities.

OSHA Regional News Release:

Poultry workers are twice as likely to suffer serious injuries and six times more likely to get sick on the job than other private sector workers, facts that are leading federal safety and health inspectors to act in four Southeastern states to reduce musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic stressors affecting industry workers.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration today announced the launch of a new Regional Emphasis Program in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi intended to prompt employers to protect poultry industry workers properly and reduce injury and illness rates.

In 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi ranked first, third and fifth, respectively*, among the nation’s largest chicken producers, accounting for 18 of the 51 billion pounds of chicken produced in the U.S.

OSHA’s emphasis program begins today with a three-month period of education and prevention outreach activities to share safety and health information with employers, associations and workers. Employers are encouraged to use this period to bring their facilities into compliance with OSHA standards, if they are not already.

The agency will then begin its targeted enforcement phase, including on-site inspections and a review of poultry processing production operations, working conditions, recordkeeping, chemical handling and safety and health programs to ensure compliance.

“The Regional Emphasis Program is designed to reduce employee exposure to crippling injuries, such as musculoskeletal disorders, and to ensure the industry records all occupational injuries and illnesses accurately,” said Kurt Petermeyer, OSHA’s regional administrator in Atlanta.

The emphasis program ends Oct. 25, 2016, unless extended. OSHA area offices will continue to open inspections in response to complaints, hospitalizations and fatalities.

To ask questions, obtain compliance assistance, file a complaint, or report amputations, eye loss, workplace hospitalizations, fatalities or situations posing imminent danger to workers, the public should call OSHA’s toll-free hotline at 800-321-OSHA (6742). Additional information related to the emphasis program is available by contacting OSHA’s Atlanta Regional Office at 678-237-0400.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA’s role is to ensure these conditions for America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance. For more information, visit

Poultry Industry Employee Rights

You have the right to:

  • Work in a safe place.
  • Receive safety and health training in any language that you understand.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand instructions or if something seems unsafe.
  • Use and be trained on required safety gear, such as hard hats, goggles and ear plugs.
  • Exercise your workplace safety rights without retaliation or discrimination.
  • File a confidential complaint with OSHA if you believe there is a serious hazard or that your employer is not following OSHA standards.

We Fight for Victims of Workplace Injuries in Georgia …Contact us Now for a Free Consultation.

Headline Frame Fox News DeskThe Murray Law Firm has recovered millions of dollars for victims of unsafe workplaces in Georgia, and recently obtained a $29.25 million dollar verdict for one of our Clients in Fulton County State Court.

We represent our Clients on a contingency agreement, which generally means that no fees or payments are owed until and unless we recover. Anyone seeking further information or legal representation is encouraged to contact us via e-mail (click here) or by telephone at 888.842.1616. Consultations are free and confidential.

728x90 Justice

Choosing the Right Attorney

Selecting the right attorney for you or your family is highly important. You must feel confident that the attorney you hire has a complete understanding of the law applicable to your particular case, and has successful experience in handling such cases.

Important: Do not hire a lawyer who has violated the Rules of Professional Conduct!!!

You should not hire an attorney who calls you or visits you unsolicited, or anyone that contacts you directly to offer legal services. This activity is strictly prohibited by Rule 7.3 of the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which states as follows:



If an attorney, or someone acting on behalf of an attorney, contacts you in this manner, that attorney is in violation of this Rule. This unethical and unprofessional activity on the part of the lawyer is good sign that you should stay away. It is imperative that you are represented by an attorney who is capable of advocating for you within the confines of the law, and an attorney who fails to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct is probably not the best fit. In fact, any such attorney should be immediately reported to the local State Bar Association. If you have been contacted in such an unsolicited manner, contact us and we’ll assist you in filing a report.
SAC EM Update

Contingency Fees Disclaimer: “Contingent attorneys’ fees refers only to those fees charged by attorneys for their legal services. Such fees are not permitted in all types of cases. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal action usually must be paid by the client.